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Search Results for: maternal inheritance

Maternal inheritance

Definition nounA form of inheritance wherein the traits of the offspring are maternal in origin due to the expression... Read More

Extranuclear inheritance

Definition noun A form of non-Mendelian inheritance in which a trait was transmitted from the parent to offspring through... Read More

Extracellular inheritance

Definition noun A form of non-Mendelian inheritance in which a trait was transmitted from the parent to offspring through... Read More

Inherited traits

What are Inherited Traits? The characteristics or traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as inherited... Read More

Law of Segregation

Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance The father of genetics, Gregor Mendel, reported his findings in 1860 that initially were... Read More

Infectious heredity

Definition noun A non-Mendelian inheritance in which an infectious particle within the cell of the host may bring changes in... Read More

Gene conversion

Definition noun A nonreciprocal gene transfer in which an allele converts the other allele into the same form as its self,... Read More


Definition noun (1) The acquisition of traits genetically transmitted from parents to offspring (2) That which is inherited... Read More


Mitochondrion Definition What are mitochondria? The term “mitochondrion” comes from the two words of the Greek... Read More

Independent Assortment

Independent Assortment Definition Independent assortment refers to the alleles or genes that sort into the newly formed... Read More

Trinucleotide repeat disorder

Definition noun, plural: trinucleotide repeat disorders Any of a set of genetic disorders caused by trinucleotide repeats... Read More

Genomic imprinting

Definition noun A phenomenon in which the phenotype of the offspring depends on the source of the chromosome containing the... Read More

Mitochondrial inheritance

Definition noun An inheritance pattern that results from the expression of mitochondrial DNA. Supplement This form of... Read More


Autosomes can be described as the non-sex chromosomes that play diverse roles in the human body like harboring genes for the... Read More

Homologous chromosome

A homologous chromosome pertains to one of a pair of chromosomes with the same gene sequence, loci, chromosomal length, and... Read More

Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA Definition noun plural: mitochondrial DNAs The genetic material in the mitochondrion that carries code... Read More

Mitochondrial DNA not just from moms but also from dads?

If one wants to trace down lineage, that person could turn to the cell's powerhouse, the mitochondrion. This organelle... Read More


Phenotype refers to the observable characteristics of an organism as a multifactorial consequence of genetic traits and... Read More

Law of Independent Assortment

Law of Independent Assortment Definition noun (genetics) Mendelian law stating that for every pair of unit factors, each... Read More


Cells often go through many divisions before they become a part of an organism’s genetic make-up. This leaves room for... Read More


What does imprinting mean? Have you watched the TV cartoon show “Tom and Jerry” with an episode of a duck and its... Read More

Chloroplast DNA

Definition noun plural: chloroplast DNAs DNA in the chloroplast that carries the code for proteins and RNAs essential to... Read More


Homozygous Definition Diploid organisms that have a genotype of identical alleles for a trait or phenotype at a specific... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) The manifestation of a recessive trait, mimicking an inheritance of a dominant... Read More

Law of Purity of Gametes

Definition noun (genetics) Gregor Mendel's law stating that the unit factors are brought together and paired during union or... Read More


To reproduce, by definition, means to produce new offspring. The process is referred to as reproduction, which is one of the... Read More

Law of Dominance

Definition noun (genetics) Gregor Mendel's law stating that when two alleles of an inherited pair is heterozygous, then,... Read More


Definition Of Syndrome A syndrome is a collection of signs, symptoms, series of events, and/or characteristics that occur... Read More


Eukaryote refers to any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cell contains a distinct, membrane-bound... Read More

Punnett Square

Punnett Square Definition A tool that helps to show all possible allelic combinations of gametes in a cross of parents with... Read More


Chromatid Definition Chromatids are found inside our cells. Chromatids are condensed chromosomes distinguishable during... Read More


Heterozygous Definition adjective (genetics) Of, or pertaining to an individual (or a condition in a cell or an organism)... Read More